KDHX Volunteer Spotlight: DJ Tom
DJ Tom
Host of The Rack
Thursdays 1-3 a.m.
Show Description:
For lovers of poetry and theatrics, the artificial and experimental. The Rack is an eclectic mix of art rock and avant-garde with occasional digressions into collage, spoken word, film music, and modernism. Mood, style, and genre take a backseat to conceptual idea-driven music.
Please describe the inspiration for your show.
The Rack is a song by Microdisney about a moody, temperamental wet blanket who sabotages a party because he hates hackneyed pop music. If that character had his revenge, it would sound like this show. It's not exactly antipop but there are enough mood swings to keep you on your toes.
Why does being a KDHX DJ matter to you?
I get to promote the artists and music I love, what's not to like about that?
What record do you think everyone should have in their music library?
Bridges by Gil Scott-Heron and Brian Jackson. It's an album full of tight accessible grooves and it runs the gamut lyrically from segregation to revolution, nuclear power, and colonialism. In retrospect, Gil Scott-Heron would never again feel quite as genuinely optimistic as he does here which just adds a certain bitter-sweet quality to the whole album.
Favorite thing you are listening to at the moment?
Necessary Monsters by Carla Kihlstedt & Rafael Osés. A beautiful album based on The Book of Imaginary Beings by Jorge Luis Borges and Margarita Guerrero. A little bit of spoken word, modern classical and jazz. Highly recommended.
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