Top 10 Albums of 2018: Rhythm Highways
By East Side Slim
Rhythm Highways
This year’s Top Ten List was very difficult to compile – an astounding number of amazing albums blessed listeners in 2018. When readers look at this list, they will see that blues is the music of the world. While three releases come from St. Louis, a number of the selections come from outside the United States: four labels, two artists and one American residing in Europe, recording with musicians from around the world.
And notice the lack of major label albums. Whitney Shay’s record would rank first on my list if it wasn’t alphabetical. Thanks to each artist for sharing their hearts and souls with listeners.
Eric Bibb / ‘Global Griot’ / Stony Plain Records
Big Creek Slim & Rodrigo Mantovani / ‘First Born’ / Chico Blues Records
The Bottle Rockets / ‘Bit Logic’ / Bloodshot Records
Kevin Burt / ‘Heartland & Soul’ / Little Village Foundation
Brian Curran, Dave Black, Tom Hall / ‘Sorry, Concert is Sold Out’ / Three Worn Hats Productions
Doug Deming & the Jewel Tones / ‘Complicated Mess’ / EllerSoul Records
James Harman / ‘fineprint’ / Electro-Fi Records
Ben Harper & Charlie Musselwhite / ‘No Mercy in this Land’ / Ben Harper Music / Anti-
Jeremiah Johnson / ‘Straitjacket’ / Ruf Records
Whitney Shay / ‘A Woman Rules the World / Little Village Productions
Listen to Rhythm Highways with East Side Slim to hear blues, R&B, gospel, swing, soul, jazz, roadhouse and even honky tonk on Thursday from 5 - 7 am.